
Belle of the Ball

I was once again honored to photograph the beautiful ladies of Belle of the Ball for their new website. They are a premier wedding and event consultant company in Houston, and some of my favorite people to work with! All of these ladies are top notch in both professionalism and creativity. They make my job so much easier (indeed, for everyone who will be a part of your wedding) and they make your wedding day smooth and stress-free! If you don’t have a consultant, go to their website and call them right now! 🙂 Anyway…. Here are some of my favorites from our shoot!

Christine and Natalie!

Valerie and Alia!

Chelsea, Marisa, and Stacy!

Thanks again, Ladies! As usual you were a blast to hang out with!

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  1. Teri on July 23, 2012 at 10:16 pm

    Your work is OUTSTANDING!!! I only wish it was in my budget to have you shoot my wedding. A girl can dream!! Keep up the great work!!

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