
Kristen and Bobby’s Wedding – College Station, TX

 A little background from Kristen on her wedding dress…

I wore my mother’s wedding dress! We pulled the dress out of the attic where it had been since my mom married my dad 33 years ago. I saw the vintage lace & fell in LOVE! I had only seen it in a few pictures over the years & had no idea what condition it would be in. Needless to say, it was a perfect fit for my rustic/vintage themed wedding & I knew that I had to do whatever it took to make it work. For the next 4 months, I worked with a seamstress (who just happened to be Selena’s seamstress back in the day) re-designing the dress. We only used lace from the original dress, nothing was new/purchased except for the sash that I made. At the end of the day, I couldn’t be happier with the final result. I think it turned out PERFECT!


Where did you meet?
Aggie football game at Kyle Field, Texas A&M University

What was your first impression of him?
From the moment I met Bobby, I thought he was the kindest, most handsome police officer I’d ever met.

What was your first impression of her?
When I first saw Kristen, I could not take my eyes off her she was so beautiful. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that could light up a room.

What did you do for your first date?
We went country western dancing at a local bar in College Station. I was totally swoon by his amazing dance skills (he had me spinnin’ & twirlin’ all over that dance floor like I’d never experienced before). I knew I had found my forever cowboy!

When did you know he was the one?
Honestly after just a few weeks! I must say, I don’t think it took long for Bobby or I to discover that the Lord had planned our paths to cross exactly when they did for a very specific reason. I firmly believe HE knew we were meant for each other, long before we ever did.

When did you know she was the one?
I wanted her to be the one when I first saw her. But after talking to her the first few times, the only thing we had in common was that we were both Aggies. Kristen was from the big city and I was from a small town in East Texas. Kristen enjoyed shopping and going out on the town, and I preferred spending time on a tractor and farm work. Logic would argue this was not going to work. But when we started dating I discovered that what we had in common were the things that matter most. We both were from loving, supportive families where family ties run deep. Our family values taught us both, to trust in God and put Him first in our lives. As I went on shopping expeditions, Kristen learned to work cows and drive a tractor. It became evident that God had brought us together.

How did he pop the question?
Kristen’s point of view: At the VERY place we met 8 years before (almost to the day) … @ Kyle Field, only on the 50 yard line this time! I had no idea that Bobby had asked my father’s permission months before at our family lakehouse. Needless to say, I am an over-analyzer & with serious thought manage to figure out just about every surprise anyone has ever tried to pull on me. So Bobby knew he had his work cut out for him & for months he worked on a plan to get me to the very spot we met, without having me suspect a thing. I can honestly say, that I had absolutely no idea what was coming & was completely surprised … and at the end of the day, wouldn’t have had it any other way! It was without a doubt, one of the most memorable experiences of my life, a day I will never forget.

Bobby’s point of view: I wanted to pop the question at Kyle Field in October, the same place and month where we first met. However, Kristen suspected that would be the place I would do it. So it took a little scheming to pull off a surprise engagement. I remained adamant that we would not get engaged just yet and had Kristen convinced that it would be much later. My plan to pull off the scheme was to have Kristen (unknowingly) plan her own engagement! Kristen’s parents are Aggie football fans and have talked about getting season tickets for years. So I planned it with Kristen’s dad, Don White and the plan rolled into action. Don contacted Kristen by email and told her that a coworker was selling his season tickets. He emailed her the section and seat number. Kristen was totally elated and went online to check out where the seats were located. Don then asked if he could go by Kyle Field and see the seats before paying for them. Kristen contacted a guy that works at Kyle Field (also a friend of mine and in on the plan the whole time) to get permission for the White’s to go by and see the seats. Because I had to work that night, I was unable to go. When Kristen’s parents arrived to meet Kristen to go to the stadium, it so happened that Kristen’s brother and Kristen’s sister-in-law “happened” to arrive at the same time. And of course, they also wanted to see the seats. So the White’s all loaded up in their car to go check out their possible football tickets. As I waited on the 50-yard line of at Kyle Field, I remained in contact with Kristen’s brother for the progress of the caravan. When the Whites arrived, Kristen led the way down the track looking up into the stands and reading the section numbers. (Had she turned around should would have noticed me on the 50 yard line). When it became apparent Kristen was more concerned about the seats then the guy standing in the middle of the field, Don told Kristen that he thought that was Bobby standing out there. Kristen, thinking that Bobby was home, quickly replied that it wasn’t and continued looking for the seats! Don was finally able to stop Kristen and direct her attention to the 50-yard line. When Kristen noticed that the rest of her family was behind her with cameras, she looked back at Bobby in the middle of the field (Kristen had initially thought the guy in the middle of the field was field security). I got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She said YES … of course! As the details of the plan came out, Kristen realized that her family, especially her Dad, had been involved in the scheme the whole time. Then her Dad had to break the horrible news that there never were not any football tickets for sale … you should have heard her response! Haha!

What do you love the most about him?
That he allows me to be exactly who I am & loves me for it.

What do you love the most about her?
I love her kind heart the most.  Kristen is always thinking of other people and things she can do to make other peoples’ lives better.

Does he have any funny quirks?
The way he talks sometimes! The more people I’ve met over the years from his “neck of the woods”, the more I’ve decided this is more common terminology than I ever knew existed. From winder (window), acrn (acorn), worsh (wash), seen (saw) … I think it’s all very cute.

Does she have any funny quirks?
Listening to Kristen tell a story is always entertaining. Needless to say, she has a very dynamic personality! Kristen can make a dull and boring story sound like something off of the Top Story of the local news, it’s absolutely hilarious.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced together?
Being that I was raised in Clear Lake, Bobby from Henderson (deep East Texas) it has been the typical “country boy, meets city girl” saga from day one. I would like to say that after 8 years together, I’ve been “educated” when it comes to country life. Thanks to this new-found knowledge, I now know how to drive a tractor, work cows, put-up barbed wire fence, ride a 4-wheeler, haul hay, fish & shoot a gun …. with the best of ‘em.

What’s the secret to your happy relationship?
Our secret is we put God first in our lives. By growing closer to Him, we grow closer to one another. We trust in Him, and know that He is in control of every situation.

Is there anything else you would like to share? 🙂
When I first saw Kristen, she was working for Texas A&M EMS at a Texas A&M football game. She had been assigned to the second deck, student side of the stadium. Each week, her assignment would change to a different location. I, on the other hand, was working security detail as a police officer. I was assigned the entire season to the second deck, student side. When I first met her, we spoke several times throughout the game but our duties would keep our conversations short and brief. At the end of the game, I knew I wanted to see her again but I was unable to get her number. But I had a plan. I contacted a friend for some help. My friend had been involved with EMS for many years and knew the person who assigned EMS members to their duty stations, so I asked for a favor. The next game, Kristen happened to be assigned to the second deck, student side … again. She found this odd since she had just had this assignment the last game. But that gave me more time to get to know her and finally get her number. And that’s how it all started!

Congratulations guys! Y’all are such a wonderful couple and I’m glad I was able to capture this special day in your lives!

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  1. Kristen on September 9, 2012 at 9:33 pm

    Thanks so much for capturing such beautiful moments on such a special day for us! Couldn’t be happier with how EVERYTHING turned out. You are truly AMAZING Adam!!!

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