
Stephanie’s Bridals – One Park Place – Houston Bridal Photography

Right after this photo was taken, Stephanie’s veil took wind and disappeared into the sky! We came to terms that it was gone and kept on with our shoot. Later that evening, Stephanie got a phone call from her friend who lives in the building who was also on the shoot with us; out of all the balconies on that building, Stephanie’s veil ended up landing on her friend’s balcony! Isn’t that crazy?!


Q. Who was with you throughout the process of finding your wedding dress?

A. I wanted to keep it to a small group for dress shopping so it was only me, my mom, Dona, and our wedding planner, Jo Ann. The fewer the opinons for me the better 😉

Q. Did you know exactly what you were looking for in a wedding dress?

A. I had a really good idea of what I was looking for! As an experienced “Say Yes to the Dress” watcher, I was very familiar with all of the different styles and what was flattering for different body types. I knew what would look best on me and what would make me feel the most confident and beautiful. Luckily Poe had watched a few episodes with me so I went shopping knowing what he liked (and didn’t like!) and was able to find something we would both love. After I walked down the aisle, I was so happy to hear him say that he thought my dress was perfect. It was a success and loved by everyone!!

Q. How many dresses/locations had you tried before you finally found the perfect dress?

A. We only went to two stores before I found my dress! It was only the third dress I had tried on. At the time, the sample wouldn’t fit so after trying it squeeze into it and settling on holding it tightly in front of me, I asked one of the consultants at the salon to model it for me so I could see what it would be like on a real woman. She looked stunning in the dress and I was so jealous I couldn’t put it completely on! Luckily the next time I went back to place the order I had already lost enough weight to put the sample on myself 🙂

Q. Describe the moment you realized “this is my dress.”

A. Really it was the second I saw it. I stopped and showed my mom and Jo Ann and just instantly fell in love with it. After a few minutes of just looking at it and discussing how the dress had all of the elements I was looking for, we continued to walk throughout Weddings by Debbie and saw other beautiful dresses but none of the other ones compared!

Q. What do you love about your dress and how does it make you feel?

A. Funny question because what I love the most about my dress is how it makes me feel – so beautiful! I am a very fun, outgoing, and sweet person and I felt that that all of these attributes were displayed in my dress through the sequins, rhinestones, flowers, and of course feathers 😉 All of the different pieces of the dress came together to create what I truly believe to be the perfect wedding dress (at least for me!!!!)

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